torsdag 26 april 2012


sometimes all you need to do is just be you. Ask yourself, how far can I go? Fight till the end, bring out the warrior in you

söndag 8 april 2012

Top of the world to 'ya

You have to give it your all, and if you don't then what's the point? I have recently begun to have great faith in fools; my friends call it self-confidence. But my friends call and say a lot of things, does that makes things so? At times, perhaps, but most of the times it's a big fat no. I am myself, love it or hate it; and I am going to go after what I want in life. It might not always be the easiest path, or the smartest one for that matter, but is life there for you to live up to other peoples expectations and desires?

I am my own worst enemy and biggest critique. I recently read a very smart quote:

Don't think of yourself as an ugly person, think of yourself as a beautiful monkey.

I must admit it made me chuckle quite a bit. You are the only person who can hold yourself back. If you keep telling yourself you are ugly, you will believe it. Accept a challenge and try not to complain for 10 days, or even just the next 24 hours... should you choose to accept it you are very soon to realize just how much negativity runs through your life on a daily basis. And i can imagine what you are thinking right now: Blah Blah, negative thoughts, blah blah a bunch of bullshit... But Im not going to sit here and try to convince you of anything. Just that negative thought brought you down, and is that really what you want?

Stay golden xx

onsdag 8 februari 2012



You need some colours in this grey world that is ours. With everyone looking the same, acting the same and wearing the same, ask yourself where is the fun in that? Dare to be different, trust me life will be far more interesting that way!

Stay Golden 

söndag 5 februari 2012

Alcohol deprived hangover:

Something to keep in mind; an alcohol deprived hangover.

When not drinking the amount of alcohol that is usually needed to get you wasted the night before, the following day your body feels teased and weak due to the lack of alcohol consumption. In 90% of cases, consuming an alcoholic beverage the next morning as soon as possible will reduce symptoms.

Keep those drinks flowing!

And beside this point, I recently read an article describing why intelligent people tend to drink more alcohol .... Needless to say I enjoyed the psychology of it!

Check it out

The cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems
Alcohol consumption

Stay Golden

If ifs and buts were...

If it wasn't for this and wasn't for that, it could be a better world.

Give this a ponder, just for a minute. Have you ever started coming up with excuses for one thing after another, things you for some reason can't do or can't change? Well who says that is fact? Next time, ask yourself the question : Why can't I do this, and see if you can actually come up with any concrete reasons.... and I mean legitimate reasons people!

The world is at your feet..
Stay golden

lördag 28 januari 2012

It has been foretold...

...Beauty will save the world.

Rivalry in fashion is the rule, not the exception. There is Versace and Cavali, Dolce & Gabbana, the list goes on and on. But do our rivals gives us something we least expect? Do they in some small way teach us who it is we really are?

So how does the truly great stay great? They keep us guessing! They do not spend (at least not a majority of them) talking, but taking action. And whatever bricks people throw at you, use them to build a a fucking castle...

Stay golden 

torsdag 26 januari 2012

Tips from the coach

If you loose something while you are drunk, don't freak out. Odds are it's in your hands or your pocket.

I am beginning to appreciate ( while at the same time loath ) the act of party paparazzi's. If nothing else, they can be a great source for remembering the previous nights escapades. Though it must be said, that all photos taken must be viewed with a certain amount of self-distance, more often than not they are not the prettiest sight! And a couple of tips to those fresh out to the scene; 
  • Keep a water bottle at ALL TIMES somewhere in your room
  • You will reek of alcohol the next day; do something about it!
  • Any stupidity you might have done, make sure to apologize for it. Your friends can only take so much of it
  • Avoid the vomit... please...  
Stay Golden

onsdag 25 januari 2012


"To keep all this talent to yourself is selfish"
I never really understood how it could be...I mean keeping to yourself meant that others weren't subdued to your bragging and you could enjoy it all in peace. But heres the kicker; others enjoy your talent. This insight caught me by surprise. How could anyone enjoy my talent? Enjoy it to the point of fascination?

So here we go; a start for the summer..

Let me know what you think

Stay Golden

söndag 3 juli 2011

Mgntc Zero

Let me go home. Home is whenever I'm with you.
Home is when I'm alone with you.

I smiled today. Smiled and laughed like I actually meant it. Laughed to the point where my stomach actually hurt.
This was fun.