onsdag 8 februari 2012



You need some colours in this grey world that is ours. With everyone looking the same, acting the same and wearing the same, ask yourself where is the fun in that? Dare to be different, trust me life will be far more interesting that way!

Stay Golden 

söndag 5 februari 2012

Alcohol deprived hangover:

Something to keep in mind; an alcohol deprived hangover.

When not drinking the amount of alcohol that is usually needed to get you wasted the night before, the following day your body feels teased and weak due to the lack of alcohol consumption. In 90% of cases, consuming an alcoholic beverage the next morning as soon as possible will reduce symptoms.

Keep those drinks flowing!

And beside this point, I recently read an article describing why intelligent people tend to drink more alcohol .... Needless to say I enjoyed the psychology of it!

Check it out

The cause of - and solution to - all of life's problems
Alcohol consumption

Stay Golden

If ifs and buts were...

If it wasn't for this and wasn't for that, it could be a better world.

Give this a ponder, just for a minute. Have you ever started coming up with excuses for one thing after another, things you for some reason can't do or can't change? Well who says that is fact? Next time, ask yourself the question : Why can't I do this, and see if you can actually come up with any concrete reasons.... and I mean legitimate reasons people!

The world is at your feet..
Stay golden